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The Hirsute One
Hairy but harmless

Joined: 20 Jul 2006
Posts: 17689
Location: Croydon, Surrey, UK

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:13 am    Post subject: Contests and Forums Available Reply with quote

We have a selection of full length contests (100 or more puzzles) plus mini-contests (typically around 20 or 30 puzzles, although there are a few either longer or shorter ones). Each section of the site has an associated forum in which members can post comments, ask questions and help each other through hints.

To start a contest, click the Puzzletome logo at the top of the page and then click on "Contests" to see the available range. Please note that a couple of the contests required the use of Flash Player and may no longer work although they have been left in place to retain the leader boards - sorry.

The current list of available sections is as follows:-

* Revisited is a compilation of puzzles devised by Stretham, Xyphic and Si, which takes the form of 5 Rounds of progressive difficulty.
* Anniversary is a celebration of ten years of Puzzletome, using the Paul Trigger theme to solve mysteries that he may have investigated in the preceding ten years.
* AbracASAdabra and AbracASAdabra II are a new take on the ASA format of puzzles.
* Absolutely Scrabulous and Absolutely Scrabulous II are written by JWawro, and are two fiendish sets of puzzles loosely based around the English version of the board game Scrabble.
* Alphabet Set is a mini-contest devised by Si containing 27 puzzles loosely themed round words and letters while The Alphabet Set 2 is the long awaited sequel by Stretham.
* Animal Magic is a beast of a contest written by Si and sure to drive you wild!
* Art Gallery is a plethora of painting puzzles.
* Around The World In 80 Puzzles is, not surprisingly, a set of 80 puzzles that take you on a journey around the globe, as perceived by theandygrant.
* A Spooner In The Works is a pud guzzle for those who like wiggly nerds. Have sun as you fort them out.
* A Trifle Trivial is a contest written by mistermickster and based loosely round the board game Trivial Pursuit.
* A Trifle Trivial: Puzzletome Edition is our very own version of the Trivial Pursuit game, with categories based on some of our previous contests - but although knowledge of those contests may be helpful, it is not essential.
* A Trifle Trivial: Movie Premiere Edition is the follow up to both the Movie Premiere AND the Trifle Trivial contests. It has been written by Mistermickster and Rosie Ragdoll, and puts a movie spin on the Trivia style format.
* BrainBreakers, BrainBreakers II, BrainBreakers III, BrainBreakers IV, BrainBreakers V and BrainBreakers VI are sets of mind-bending puzzles written by (variously) lotjegetikt, Trenke and Marie2003.
* By George! is a short contest dedicated to St George's Day (23 April 2009).
* C And A is a contest crafted by C (ckmcheetah) and A (mightyshortadam), and sees a return to a more traditional riddle-type format.
* The Canterbury Tales is based on Chaucer's masterpiece and is a masterpiece from Stretham's evil mind with a few additions from The Hirsute One.
* Code Trail One is a short mini-contest devised by Stretham and Xyphic and contains sequential puzzles that involve using a sequence of codes.
* Chinese New Year is an intertwined set of teasers from Stretham commemorating the year of the ox.
* The Crypt and Deeper Into The Crypt are short contests created by The Hirsute One consisting of a collection of cryptic clue based puzzles with some normal puzzling methods included, although the emphasis is on the cryptic. The difficulty level ranges from easy to moderately difficult.
* Dear Diary is a month in the life of The Hirsute One that should keep you occupied for a day or two.
* Diabolically Nasty Brainteasers is a four round sequential contest written by dnbmathguy. Be prepared for some fiendishly diabolical teasers that will have a nasty effect on your brain!
* Distractivations, DistractIIvations, DistractIIIvations and DistractIVations are contests written by the Puzzlinactivity Team and contain a variety of puzzle types including some standard codes. The level of difficulty ranges from easy to moderately hard.
* Dungeons And Fairy Tales is a rhyming roller-coaster of a ride written by Si.
* Dutch Dilemmas is a contest created by The Undutchables, who are getting their revenge for all the puzzles with a distinct British, American or Australian bias. Prepare to learn the low-down about the Low Countries...
* More Dilemmas is the second contest written by The UnDutchables - no theme this time, but just a set of fun puzzles to enjoy.
* Festive Fun is a seasonal selection of Christmas-themed puzzles designed to be shared with family and friends.
* Firm Titles is a pretty straightforward contest based on slightly corrupted film titles.
* Flower Power is the first contest for this site written by The Anemonas and is not for the faint of heart.
* Halloween 2005 is written by The UnDutchables, and is a set of spooky puzzles to get you hiding behind the sofa...!
* Halloween 2008 is written by The Hirsute One and is a short contest based on Halloweens past.
* Halloween 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 are written by The Hirsute One and Stretham and continue the theme.
* Hogmanay celebrates the life and times of our hog, Manny.
* Jane Austen is written by MrsNapoleon and cae_prince and is based on the works of the esteemed author.
* Laundered Lyrics is based around possibly misheard song titles.
* Lord Of The Rings is an epic journey through all the chapters of Tolkien's masterwork.
* Members Only and More Members Only are fun contests written by Bethfay, The Hirsute One and Stretham based on names from the Puzzletome membership list - only a few thousand to look through if you get stuck!
* MiscellASAneous I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII are all written by ASA and based on puzzles in previous puzzle contests (but with different methodologies and answers).
* Monkey Madness by theandygrant is a fun-filled contest for primates of all ages. It'll make you scratch your head in bewilderment and beat your chest in frustration!
* Movie Premiere is written by mistermickster and is a short contest based round the theme of movies - although you don't need to be a movie buff to compete.
* Musical Montage and Musical Montage 2 are contests from guest author pianoman and, with a name like that and the titles of the contests, I am sure you can guess what they are based around.
* Olympics 2012 was created by The Hirsute One and Stretham to mark the occasion of London hosting the Olympic Games yet again. Olympics 2016, 2020 continue the theme at four year intervals with an additional Olympics 2021 to mark the delayed 2020 event.
* One Night Strand is written by 3x7 and is a short and somewhat mystifying contest that is a bit of a departure from the normal fare.
* One Night Stay is 3x7's equally mystifying follow up contest set around a holiday hotel.
* Paul Trigger Investigates is a mini-contest devised by SparkPlug which follows the exploits of ace private investigator Paul Trigger as he cracks another complex case!
* PTI: A Brief Case sees the long-awaited return of ace private eye Paul Trigger, in his trickiest case to date. Get your magnifying glasses out and prepare to hunt the clues...
* PTI: Where There's a Will sees Paul Trigger travelling around the world in the quest for Great Uncle Vincent's missing will.
* PTI: Curious Kidnap is the fourth vexing case for our resident private eye Paul Trigger to solve. Can you help him find his way through the trail of clues...
* PTI: A Christmas Quarrel is another case for ace private eye Paul Trigger to solve as he tries to find what's happened to Santa. Can you help him crack this Yuletide case...
* PTI: The 12 Chapters of Christmas is another festive investigation that has a remarkably familiar theme...
* PTI: Poule Tregger Investeggates is a Paul Trigger punathon themed around Easter.
* The Periodical is a four round contest from the mind of SparkPlug with an easily identifiable theme... with a twist!
* The Project is an intriguing set of paired puzzles based on an original idea by Mr Tom as resurrected by Stretham.
* The Puzzletome Contest is a slight change from pianoman who has based this contest around previously releaased Puzzletome contests.
* Roger's Snail Trail is a short contest based on the links provided in the original Puzzletome contest, requiring you to name many of Roger's snail friends.
* Say What?, Say What Again, and Say What Finally are semi-sequential sets of "say what you see" puzzles devised by The Hirsute One and should be regarded as falling into the "fairly easy" category.
* Say What: The Movie and Say What: The Movie Sequel continue the "saying what you see" theme but this time with film names as the answers.
* Say What: Resurrection is Stretham's take on the "say what you see" theme and is a bit tougher than previous versions.
* Say What You Don't See turns the theme on its head and asks you to find what isn't there (but should be).
* Say Who is another sequel based on names you may or may not know.
* Series Series I to V are mini-contests devised by ASA with contributions from other members. The series is composed of puzzles which consist mainly of numerical series that need to be completed.
* Seven Wonders, believe it or not, is Stretham's interpretation of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World.
* Shakespeare - The Complete Works covers the recorded output of The Bard in a Puzzletome fashion as seen by The Hirsute One and JWawro.
* Sinterklaas is written by Trenke and celebrates the Christmas season in Holland.
* Summertime Special 2007 has been written by The Hirsute One with contributions from Rosie Ragdoll and Stretham. It's a selection of text, image and interactive puzzles ranging from easy to medium in terms of the level of difficulty. There are no codes such as Morse or Binary used, and the first 30 puzzles can also be accessed in any order.
* Summertime Special 2010 is another set of sunny puzzles.
* Supergrover's Abecedary is, as you may have guessed, written by SuperGrover and is based on the alphabet - so finding the answers should be as easy as A, B, C - but it's a lot harder than that!
* Tarot marked a design change for some puzzles at Puzzletome and was created by Stretham to delve deeper into this mysterious set of cards.
* Themed Park is a contest based around theme parks from the convoluted mind of pianoman.
* Tomfoolery is a contest submitted by one of our members, Mr Tom. The contest is a mixed bag of sequence-based puzzles, guaranteed to have you tearing your hair out in frustration/delight (delete as applicable).
* Treasure Hunt is another short mini-contest devised by Stretham and Xyphic with sequential puzzles leading to the final location of the hidden treasure.
* Treasure Hunt II is a short sequel from The Hirsute One with more puzzles leading to the final location of another hidden treasure.
* Treasure Hunt III is a further sequel from Stretham but don't expect the clues to be any easier.
* The Twelve Days Of Christmas is a very short contest to help you celebrate the festive season and Another Twelve Days, 12 Puzzles Of Christmas and 12 Plays Of Twister do the same.
* Twixmas is a very brief bit of fun from Stretham to fill the gap between Christmas 2022 and the New Year.
* World Cup Whimsicality is a set of World Cup themed puzzles written by Hall, which will test your football and puzzling skills to the limit!
* World Cup Whimsicality 2010, 2014 and 2018 return to the football theme every four years.
* World Of Sudoku I, II and III are variously written by ASA, JWawro and Horizon and, not surprisingly, are based on the popular Sudoku puzzle - although not necessarily as you might know it.

To see the associated forums for each section, go to http://www.puzzletome.com/contests.php and click on the name of the section you would like to start.

Please note that the forums are strictly moderated, and any posts that are in breach of the forum rules are either edited or deleted.

The Hirsute One
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